Our work areas: Volunteer Teams, Forums, Wikis
Teams: The teams of the project BeWelcome are the core center of activity. They have a special area to work on and are normally managed by one or two coordinators. Some teams require a bit of experience (like the legal team), others are open to everybody interested and a perfect way to learn new skills (pr and communications team, for example). Please take into account that EVERY member of BeWelcome is invited to volunteer for a team, independently from a membership with BeVolunteer, a legally based organisation.
Forums: Our forum is the “parliament” – a place where volunteers present ideas, discuss them and develop them towards implementation. Some areas of the forum are only for specific teams like the “abuse team” – they might be protected and not accessible for security reasons. Generally we wish that any volunteer can make his or her small contribution to help the development of the project – or just to get informed.
Wiki: Here you will find all documentation and answers to most of your questions concerning our organisation, its philosophy, values and the legal documents (statutes).
BeWelcome – the project, BeVolunteer – the organisation behind it. You want to know more? Have a look at our history.